As part of the lead up to the federal government's apology to the persons affected by past and forced adoptions, especially during the closed era of adoptions, the ABC has started this project for those affected by adoption to give a brief description and photo of themselves to ensure there is a lasting record of we, the folk affected by the policies and practises of the past and the lifetime effect it created. None of us were at fault and we are never to blame for what happened back then but we have all lived with the consequences.
I believe it is vital that as many people as possible throughout this great country of ours contribute to this project. it does not have to be much. I only made two short paragraphs with a photo of the weekend i met a sibling for the first time. others have given a more detailed version. Some have used a symbolic photo to express their feelings and point of view. Some have given a photo and detailed account of their meeting with their now adult children or their mothers. This is our history and it needs to be recorded so that when we become a old news story which begins on 22 march 2013, the day after the apology it is preserved for people to read and wonder how we as a highly advanced modern country could have acted so barbarically just a short time ago.
The link for the ABC open site is given below and i also implore the ABC to extend the timing of the project so that folk can express themselves after the apology, when emotions have been brought back to normal levels, they may add their own stories.
I had the privilege of meeting the Ballarat manager of the Open project Marc Eiden and both of us were on the ABC radio Ballarat Morning Show on Wednesday 6 February,with Steve Martin talking about the project and the upcoming apology. Sadly i don't have a copy of the broadcast but i hope it did help some people in the local area to consider contributing.
Please consider contributing to this worthy project as it is our history and it is vital that no one ever forgets what has happened to us
Murray Legro
Hope as many adoptees as possible contribute.